Looking the past is a great way to learn something. Not only about yourself, but your own "nuggets" of lessons learn. What you learn from your personal experiences can be more then just a small pieces of wisdom. It's amazing what you write or think in times of trial. Most of the time these things are said without even knowing it.
In my past I have told myself that I need to remain faith to what I have promised and do the things that seem to big for me. At times I have wanted to go back on my word and just do whatever I wanted. I never really understood why I had a resolve that was so strong towards the stick it out mentality. Then I was looking back at my journal, and I found a section that dealt with this vary topic. Right there in front of me was a keys to my thoughts, even now, where laid out. It was vary encouraging to my current life. God has told me so stick it out even when it seems hard or even impossible. To not allow myself to become a second rate at being someone who never gives up.(that's right, think about that one for a second. You'll understand.) Don't get me wrong. I've wanted to give up really bad. It's be to much to even sit down and think about, but I still don't let that slow me down. I want to do what I can without "whinnying" until God moves me. It's something I think that God will be using in my life many many times.
So........ From your life what "nuggets" of wisdom/lessons learn or Gods words to you coming true come to mind? There is no need to dig to deep, but something that is true something from your heart would be nice. Just tells us look back and tell us what you think about something you wrote that was of meaning.
You know, it seems whenever you do pry me away from the computer, you don't acually right on your blog. You spend your time playing with your template. I know you do but only after designing your template.
Hi there anotherdrummer, I had been out looking for some new information on get rid of boil when I found your site and What you have been. Though not just what I was searching for, it drew my attention. An interesting post and I thank you for it.
Hi anotherdrummer, Out surfing for information on boils & happened upon your site. While What you have been wasn't exactly spot on, it did strike a note with me. Thank you for the really good read.
Holy smokes!!! I've been trying all day to find little know sources of "real" people online with thoughts and ideas about coolest kid in the us. I stumbled on to your porst about What you have been and although it's not exactly what I was looking for, it certainly caught my attention. I'm personally building a resource for coolest kid in the us and hope you might stop by and check it out when you have a chance...let me know your thoughts. I'll be sure to send people this way as well. Thanks anotherdrummer...Cheers!
I was thinking anotherdrummer, I was checking out sources of info on coolest kid in california and I stumbled across your post about What you have been that you have a great site here. I'm personally working hard at developing an online business around coolest kid in california and I'd like to share this site with some of my own subscribers. Thanks for letting me stop by anotherdrummer...I'll be back.
Hey anotherdrummer...I was browsing for information on the coolest kid in the world when I stumbled on to your blog. I can tell why with your latest post on What you have been it really caught my attention. I'd love to see more information about the coolest kid in the world and I'll come back by to see what you have going on here as well. Thanks again!
Well Amos, as I told you earlier on the phone, Tim and I have come to the conclusion that our answers would be pretty generic. Somewhere along the line of "Wherever the Lord leads me". I just trust in the Lord and live day to day, so to speak. Sorry but that's all I'm going to say. See you later alligator.
It's an interesting thought isn't it. That at the core of our existence everyone is the same. We all are different of course, but when you truly boil it down all the same things show.
God has created us as a human kind. We all have different personalities, shapes, and thoughts. At the core we have a few things that are the same. For exsample, we all have hair, a mouth, emotions, and speak a language. Whether it be Chinese or American doesn't matter. Language being one of the biggest in the group because it separates us from the animals.
Our bodies can not be just physical. Everyone's body is apart of Gods temple. Everyone is called to Him. Whether we let this be true is up to us. 1 Corinthians 6:19 - "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own." "Food is meant for the stomach and the stomach for food" --and God will destroy both one and the other. The body is not meant for immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. "1 Corinthians 6:13. The body is meant for God. It is us that ruin it with immoratily and sin. We are made for God and His glory. Whether living for Him or not.
You call a dog a dog. Not anything else. It seems to me that even thou we inter-breed them they are still dogs. The Human Kind does look different from person to person physically. God is not physical; He is spirit. Inside our spirit there are the same needs. We all have the need of God. Our bodies are the temples of the Lord. We all have an understanding of the ten commandments with us at all times. They're known to us by nature. Our bodies know that there is a spiritual side to life. Even people who don't know God are looking for some way to explain the feeling of just knowing something is out there that is bigger then we are. That's why there are some many religions out there. People are looking for what we all know. There is a God!
Just think about how boring it would be to look down the street and see the same thing all the time. There would be no difference in how we look. Male and female would look just the same. How boring would that be? Humans have physical features that are similar in most respects. Just look at a couple people and you will note so many similarities. We are not that far different from each other. We all have the same amount of bones.[unless your a girl then you have one more rib.] Figures are used by everyone that still have them. It's not like one of us has hooves and the other feet. The body is made the same only our spirits are different.
We are created the same. Physical we are the same in many respects, but different in little areas. Like speech, thought, emotions, and appearance we are far from the same. God have put us all together in the same fashion. Psalms 139:13 - For thou didst form my inward parts, thou didst knit me together in my mother's womb. We may look different physical, and the reason why will maybe never be known. The reason is Gods and His alone. He's thoughts and actions don't need to be justified.
Matt... Your post confused me. I didn't understand large portions of it. I think I agree with some of what you said. But the parts that confused me I might not agree with. :-D
Interesting thoughts, anotherdrummer. I don't know if I know you, so I wouldn't know if you'd like my reaction to your essay, but just in case, I have a few thoughts:
1) I'm sorry, but not all humans have hair. 2) It's intriguing to think that our bodies are not "just physical." Enjoyable verses. 3) While you say that you call a dog a dog and not anything else, I say that I call my dog "Jeffry." 4) It is very evident that there is a spiritual side to life. Sometimes I get so caught up in the spirituality of our world that I neglect the physical aspects of it - its beauty, its significance, its obligations. But that's my problem. 5) God rules.
That's right kids. I have no clue as to what is going to happen. I know a few things for sure thou.
1. I will be going to school somewhere next semester! woot, I can so wait for this to happen.
2. I will more then like not be moving away, I think. You never know "now a days". I mean God could just be like, " hey, you! Get out of here!", and there I would go. Off into the night for Gods glory. It would be interesting. Gallivanting across the unknown just because God wanted me to.
3. I am totally going to make a CD this year some how. [of course Drums with be my job] I really don't care with who or in what frame of mind. As long as I am not drunk, high, or stoned. It will be the coolest thing ever. So make sure you kids have like a gajillion dollars to buy my CD just because....... I need to get rich some how might as well use my friends to do it:-] Don't worry thou, it will have these cool bets and some of time stuff. No to mention the techno light that will be installed in the bottom of the CD. If you hold it in the the sun light and look at the bottom of the CD; you will be able to see a rainbow of sorts. It will only be and extra 19.95 on top of the original price to get that! What a deal. I tell you what! These technologis these days can do anything, plus wax you car.
More or less I am flying be the set of my pants this year. I have no clue what is in store of my life tomorrow much less a month from now. There is to much happening to look to far ahead. I need to let tomorrow take care of itself and not worry about where I will be or how I am going to get where I want to be some day. I need to be focused and put together for what responsibility I have now. There is of course an I wish list for the year, but a large majority is personal. For now just know that your not getting rid of me any time so. So relax get used to me and don't get any funny ideas!
Mike, at his blog asks of us the question, If God created all of us, why did he create us to all look different?
I have some thoughts on this, but I don't think that I am going to put them right yet. I will think about this and try to put my answer in the best form possible.
I need to think about this one a little bit more. Don't worry thou, I come up with something. I just needs to hit me Between the eyes. I will get there thou.
Timothy dear, why have you changed your name to "east" you have confused your poor little girlfriend.. or is it not you, and I'm just confused, and Matt Z told me it was you.. I'm SO confused. ANd WHO is mike?
What do you guys want God to do in your lives in the next year. I know we all answered the 10-15 years question, but this one give a more current insight into things.
I suppose that now that everyone else has posted that it's my turn.
I can say that the youth pastor that it come has to be good. For the most part thou, I have found myself not caring to much about what he is like. I just want to see a few things out of him.
1. A willingness to be humble. I don't know why, but for me. If he can show a humble spirit and do it good. A it would be amazing. I want him to be able to say, " I was wrong." It just shows so much maturity.
2. A hold on what the Holy spirit is speaking and wanting for the youth group. Right now I really feel all over the place. I feel like direction is lacking heavily is some areas.
3. And finial a spirit of worship. I want him really get into the idea of worship. I think that it would so cool to see my youth pastor jumping up and do in the presence of God. I would be coolio!
I suppose I really have no opinion on this subject, because, I really am not init, but I can say that I know where you guys are coming from.. It's tough to have a youth pastor leave, and it's even more weird to have another come. Expectations are so strong from youth, I almost feel bad for the new pastors that come in almost as "fresh meat." Not saying that yours will. I think you guys will treat him fairly. Later
I want him to be exactly what he should be. A Youth Pastor.
I want him to teach. I want him to care. I want him to comfort. I want him to disciple. I want him to be what he should be. Nothing more, nothing less.
I want him to be more involved than the Youth Leaders. For one thing, the Youth Leaders we have right now couldn't handle being more involved, and for another its not their job to be involved. Its his job to be involved.
Well I guess that I have pretty high expectations, and the main reason for that being that when Pastor Chuck talked to us, he said that God told him that the only reason that he would take Pastor Chuck out of our Church was that Pastor Chuck has taken us as far as he could and God was only going to bring in some one else in to bring the youth group farther in our walks. So my expectation are that he is a worshiper, that he is sensitive to the spirit in worship, and speaking, and in just everything that he does. That last one seems high, but I think that after praying about it God has some one like that for us. Another thing is I want him to be our friend. See Pastor Chuck and Steph didn't tell us to respect them, but they earned it by just being our friends. He should be a lot of fun, like with events. NEW events! I don't want to have events just like Pastor Chuck and Steph had, cause I'll only be pushed to compare to Pastor Chuck and Steph, and well, have been under them for 10 years I don't think things will compare.
This has been a lot of my personal thoughts, sorry. I have a lot of expectations, but the main one is obvious, I want him to be totally sold out and on fire for God. And that is my thoughts.
God Bless.
Sorry Amos, but you forgot to capitalize Pastor Chuck and Steph every time you used their names. And you didn't spell check either...
It should work on any computer you use. If its Mozilla's pop up blocker, you will be told that its blocking something, and you can choose to open it. Hope that helps
I can now post on Huzzah and Welcome! That is super fun! So, here's the thought for the day: Giraffe!!!!!!! I mean, seriously, what made Adam look at a long-necked creature and say, "I'm going to call you a giraffe!" Have you ever wondered?..........
In fear of being disappointed by whoever our new youth pastor will be, I haven't really thought about what I want in the new one. I don't want to set expectations and in turn be put out. As this turns in my mind I will try not to think about what he WILL be in depth.
I think he should be responsible and mature, but not have the attitude that we're all silly little kids. It would be good, I think, if he were personable and had the drive to get to know us, as individuals and as a whole youth group. It wouldn't do if he was just there and then left everything to the youth leaders. He does need to delegate to the youth leaders, but only to a certain point.
Hey... So, I suppose my comment to this is this: Trust that God only has better things in store for you guys.... I mean, I don't know if Aaron was really better things for us.. I mean.. YES>>> GOD ALWAYS BRINGS BETTER THINGS WHEN HE TAKES AWAY THE GOOD> ;) LOL
So what do you guys think? What do you want a youth pastor to do? How should he acted, like a youth or like a grown up? Should they try to be super invovled or do you like the youth leaders taking most of the stuff?
Yo!, well this group blog thing is pretty sweet...Well once I figured out how to post. See I couldn't find the dashboard. You would think that me being a computer person and all I would be able to do something so simple....But nooooooo.
Ok well I am going to answer the question now. Well I have put a lot of thought into this question. So here goes.
1. I would like to be the leader of a worship ministry that rivals anything the world has ever seen. Not for my glory, but for the glory of God and God alone. You see through this past year and a half God has been developing a dream in me to see people worshipping. And also the heart for worship. It's been a difficult process at times, times where I don't know what God is doing. Last night for instance, I got up and felt prepared for worship, but that was before practice. So Practice started and things went worse then I have ever seen worship team practice go in my whole 5 years at this church, and so I got kind of discouraged , and stressed cause I felt like the whole service relied on me, and I was trying to carry the burden of the service, but found that God was testing me and it was yet another step in the process. And I think that worship went very well as soon as I gave it all to God. And that is all on that.
2. I want to be married. I've been told that I will go to Australia and find a beautiful girl that has a gorgeous voice and we will fall madly in love and that will be all. But it's kind of interesting. I just want a girl that is called to ministry, and challenges me in my Christian walk. And unlike Tim, I don't have a girl right now.
3. I really don't know what else. I know that I might be in youth ministry of some sort, and also I want to live in Australia. But that is all.
That's right Amos. Tim is a step ahead of you... Ha...Wow. You guys are extremely entertaining to read. ANd BROOKE, if you read this, it's Matt Z, Sara, Tim and AMos... WEll, and me of course that talk on this blog. Later
Hey. You have no idea who I am. I'm posting this comment way after everyone else has, so I feel kind of dumb. I found this blog throught brooke "the devine one" The only person I acutally know from this blog is Superstar. And I know Brooke. And she told me to go to this blog, so I did. I sometimes lead worship for my youth group, and I'm always excited before, practice always goes horrible, but the actual worship time is so awesome, I can't describe it. So, yeah, that happens every single time. Prayer is a very important to me every time I'm on the worship team, but especially when I'm leading. I usually like to stay after practice and pray even before "prayer time" So, yeah. Sorry for probably wasting your time.
I see some weird things in this new group. It's so wired because this time I am on the other side. THE YOUTH LEADER. I see all these juniors and see something that I think will help them continue on in what they are do. Tonight at coke night made me think about the wonders of our group back in the day. How people like Jenny, Derek, Scot, Chad, Tina, and Chris hung with us and allowed us to be their friends. I see now how they felt. There is a sense of just being the center at times. While not the center more like your some how cool because your a youth leader. It's weird. I just wonder sometimes what some of these young chaps are thinking. Tonight was fun thou, I enjoyed it very much.
It's true thou, you can see that these young kids may have the whole hanging out together down better then we did. We'll just have to see how the next couple of years pulls on the group. I pray that they keep on doing this and having fun. For our group things fell apart and are just now starting to get back together as people are growing up and see some of how childish what we thought was. I just wonder if in twenty years I will look back and think that my thoughts now are stupid and kiddish. mhmm
To tell you the truth Matt, at this moment in time I don't think of you as a Youth Leader. Your still BigZ, my brother's best friend and a good friend to myself.
I have to appluade you so far, you have done a swell job of keeping the balence. Your still seem like a youth kid, our friend, just with more power and influence. I would rather have a friend pray for me than just a youth leader that I don't know. This in my mind is a good way for youth leaders to work.
...Compared to me. Well I guess I just haven't really thought that for ahead at all. I'm still worrying about getting into collage next year and I'm really starting to think that isn't going to happen.
Off the top of my head I can tell you I would like to be married and I have no promising prospects. A few kids sounds nice and deeply involved in my church does too. I think that's about all I can really think of, if I'm really daring I'll even think of a career.
Don't worry Matt, Sara is already well on her way to being ready for it. She has her application for PSEO and everything, and we just need to take the entrance exam.
It seems weird to say this but at this point in time I hope to be moving into a ministry. I have no clue if that will be as a serior pastor or something else but I would love to be drumming in ministry. What would be cool.
I hope to be married to the woman of my dreams. I really don't want to be single for my whole life. It just seems to be lonely.
I would like to start a ministry that seems to weight on my heart. There a many churches that are dieing that shouldn't be. They're in growing areas in the world. I want to start a ministry to bring a breathe of fresh air to these churches. In the way of moving in for a couple of months and retraining people and equipping them to better reach the area around them. To see children lives changed. To see a hopping youth group started. One that is involving and engaging. With a rock band for a worship team. Also to see the adults to learn and group theologically in their faith. To see even adults get into worship and love what they're doing in church.
I would also like to do a little traveling as someone who does things like youth conventions, camps, and outrageous.
There is a lot that I would love to do. Waiting for the time to go is sometimes the hardest thing to do. God has told me to wait on Him. To keep His words in my heart but to do everything I can to improve things around here. That's hard when sometimes I don't even feel like being myself or I am afraid to be myself. I can't say that I know how God is going to do all these things in my life. It may not even be in me that all these things come about. Maybe my children will complete what I start.
So... I guess the only way to get a good topic is to start one. With that in mind...
Where do you want to be 10 or 15 years from now?
I guess I know most your answers, as we are all friends, but for the sake of the question, please answer. Oh, and feel free to expound on the answer.
So here it goes. I want to be:
a)A youth Pastor with a vibrant Youth Ministry, reaching out and touching those people who are hurting in this world. And in reality, everyone is (hurting).
b)Married. I want to be married. To a wonderful woman. Hopefully I would have children by then too. You all know who I want to marry, so I guess I am not going to expound much.
c)Still in touch with my family and friends from my child hood. These are the people that shaped me into who I am. The people who love me the most. Yeah. Kind of sappy I know.
Hahahaha. Yes, so here is my comment.. Married.Definitely Married. You all know who I would love to marry, so I'm not going to expound. But, yes, I would love to partner with him in ministry, and to be a worship pastor, and rake in all the dough. :)
It's a community blog thinger!!! It's all our thoughts blended togather. You the read have to lisen to everything we say. As long as your read what I write. It's crazy, and I hope that you are still reading. Because that would be nice. I have no clue what we will be talk about togather. It should be good. Hope we will throw around some idea's that will be interesting enough for you to read and comment on. Maybe it will help you live life a little bit better. Who knows it could happen. Or maybe it will just brighten your day. That would be cool also. Well hope you all keep reading in the future.
Ughh... Matt you make my head hurt!
This is another thing I will have to think about.
I really need to pry my sisters butt out of the computer chair and write a bunch.
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You know, it seems whenever you do pry me away from the computer, you don't acually right on your blog. You spend your time playing with your template. I know you do but only after designing your template.
See you later
Hi there anotherdrummer, I had been out looking for some new information on get rid of boil when I found your site and What you have been. Though not just what I was searching for, it drew my attention. An interesting post and I thank you for it.
Hi anotherdrummer, Out surfing for information on boils & happened upon your site. While What you have been wasn't exactly spot on, it did strike a note with me. Thank you for the really good read.
Holy smokes!!! I've been trying all day to find little know sources of "real" people online with thoughts and ideas about coolest kid in the us. I stumbled on to your porst about What you have been and although it's not exactly what I was looking for, it certainly caught my attention. I'm personally building a resource for coolest kid in the us and hope you might stop by and check it out when you have a chance...let me know your thoughts. I'll be sure to send people this way as well. Thanks anotherdrummer...Cheers!
I was thinking anotherdrummer, I was checking out sources of info on coolest kid in california and I stumbled across your post about What you have been that you have a great site here. I'm personally working hard at developing an online business around coolest kid in california and I'd like to share this site with some of my own subscribers. Thanks for letting me stop by anotherdrummer...I'll be back.
Hey anotherdrummer...I was browsing for information on the coolest kid in the world when I stumbled on to your blog. I can tell why with your latest post on What you have been it really caught my attention. I'd love to see more information about the coolest kid in the world and I'll come back by to see what you have going on here as well. Thanks again!
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