A question from Mike...
Mike, at his blog asks of us the question, If God created all of us, why did he create us to all look different?
I have some thoughts on this, but I don't think that I am going to put them right yet. I will think about this and try to put my answer in the best form possible.
I have some thoughts on this, but I don't think that I am going to put them right yet. I will think about this and try to put my answer in the best form possible.
I need to think about this one a little bit more. Don't worry thou, I come up with something. I just needs to hit me Between the eyes. I will get there thou.
Timothy dear, why have you changed your name to "east" you have confused your poor little girlfriend.. or is it not you, and I'm just confused, and Matt Z told me it was you.. I'm SO confused.
ANd WHO is mike?
Yesh, it is me. And Mike is Mike vespa of Mike's Band Fame...
Don't be confused hunny! :-D
oops my link didn't work...
He is really Here
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