Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I'm Sad That I'm Crying....

...Umm... Well, this is a draft that has been sitting around for a while so I thought that I might as well just post it... enjoy.

For those of you that were at Youth Convention, you know that Tim's waking words were my favorite thing to say last weekend. For those of you that weren't there, I'm sorry that you were gone. You missed out on a great weekend. I had some awesome fellowship with my friends and family.
Jessie came down with the Little Falls AoG and hooked up with us just like she did last year. Jessie is really cool, she has become the woman of Christ that she was not while she was living in Duluth. As sad as it is, I'm glad she moved to Little Falls to right her life. Jessie always encourages me and reminds me what is important when I am with her. She's great.
My Friend Marc came to MYC this year. He is a great but shy guy. He said he made some great new friends and I believe it may have helped him come out of his shell.


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